Osnabrück 2002 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 321: Bose-Einstein Kondensation II
Mittwoch, 6. März 2002, 16:30–18:30, HS 22/B01
16:30 |
Q 321.1 |
Contrast Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Kai Dieckmann, Subhadeep Gupta, Zoran Hadzibabic, Claudiu Stan, Wolfgang Ketterle, and David Pritchard
16:45 |
Q 321.2 |
Die Abbildung eines Rb-Bose-Einstein-Kondensats - ein Vergleich verschiedener Methoden — •Margit Dornseifer, Daniel Frese, Bernhard Klöter, Arno Rauschenbeutel, Victor Gomer und Dieter Meschede
17:00 |
Q 321.3 |
Dynamics of an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate — •Peter Rosenbusch, Vincent Bretin, Frédéric Chevy, and Jean Dalibard
17:15 |
Q 321.4 |
Quasi 1D BEC: Phasenfluktuationen und andere Phänomene — •Helge Kreutzmann, D. Hellweg, S. Dettmer, P. Ryytty, J.J. Arlt, W. Ertmer, K. Sengstock, D. Petrov, G.V. Shlyapnikov, L. Santos und M. Lewenstein
17:30 |
Q 321.5 |
Phasenfluktuationen und Kohärenzeigenschaften von Bose-Einstein Kondensaten — •D. Hellweg, S. Dettmer, M. Kottke, P. Ryytty, L. Cacciapuoti, J.J. Arlt, K. Sengstock und W. Ertmer
17:45 |
Q 321.6 |
BEC in the optical lattice; the 1-dimensional solid approach — •Matt Kalinski, G Metikas, E Arimondo, and W P Schleich
18:00 |
Q 321.7 |
Two-Species Mixture of Quantum Degenerate Fermi and Bose Gases — •Kai Dieckmann, Zoran Hadzibabic, Claudiu Stan, Subhadeep Gupta, Martin Zwierlein, Axel Görlitz, and Wolfgang Ketterle
18:15 |
Q 321.8 |
Quantum field theory of dilute homogeneous Bose-Fermi mixtures at zero temperature: general formalism and beyond mean-field corrections — •Alexander Albus, Simon Gardiner, Fabrizio Illuminati und Martin Wilkens