Hannover 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 15: Ultracold Atoms: Manipulation and Detection (with A)
Dienstag, 9. März 2010, 14:00–16:00, A 320
14:00 |
Q 15.1 |
Interactions of atoms with spatially dispersive solids — •Harald Haakh, Carsten Henkel, and Baruch Horovitz
14:15 |
Q 15.2 |
A new Experiment for the investigation of ultra-cold Potassium Rubidium Mixtures — •Georg Kleine Büning, Johannes Will, Jan Peise, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Jan Arlt
14:30 |
Q 15.3 |
Evaporative cooling in a magnetic trap strongly distorted by gravitation — •Matthias Wolke, Julian Klinner, and Andreas Hemmerich
14:45 |
Q 15.4 |
Collective atom-cavity effects with cold Ytterbium gases. — Matteo Cristiani, Hannes Gothe, Tristan Valenzuela, and •Jürgen Eschner
15:00 |
Q 15.5 |
Matter Wave Scattering from Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Lattice — Scott N. Sanders, •Florian Mintert, and Eric J. Heller
15:15 |
Q 15.6 |
Towards phase damping of two independent condensates via an optical high finesse cavity — •Simone Bux, Christine Gnahm, Gordon Krenz, Claus Zimmermann, and Philippe A.W. Courteille
15:30 |
Q 15.7 |
Dissipative manipulation of an ultracold quantum gas — •Andreas Vogler, Peter Würtz, Tatjana Gericke, Tobias Weber, Fabian Etzold, Frank Markert, and Herwig Ott
15:45 |
Q 15.8 |
A New Apparatus for Cavity QED Experiments in the Strong Coupling Regime — •Markus Koch, Christian Sames, Matthias Apel, Max Balbach, Alexander Kubanek, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Pepijn Pinkse, Karim Murr, and Gerhard Rempe