Dresden 2011 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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AKE: Arbeitskreis Energie
AKE 2: Energiepolitik und Technologiebewertung
AKE 2.2: Hauptvortrag
Montag, 14. März 2011, 11:30–12:00, MENSA Dül
(contribution withdrawn) A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy: Energy 2020 — •Stephan Kolb — European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy
The European Commission's new energy strategy ENERGY 2020 is designed to tackle the challenge of competitive, sustainable and secure energy.
It builds on the existing foundations of EU energy policy and sets out a medium term programme. It will put the EU in a convincing position to deliver its 2020 targets in an economically sound and sustainable way.
ENERGY 2020 also aims to make energy policy a motor for economic recovery and green growth, as set out in the EUROPE 2020 economic strategy.
The strategy includes a number of interrelated priorities: energy efficiency; network interconnections and modernisation of grids; innovation and excellence in research; external energy relations; and empowerment of consumers.
The talk will describe ENERGY 2020 in the context of the Roadmap for a Low Carbon Energy System 2050 and address also European Energy infrastructure priorities towards an integrated European energy network.