
Hannover 2013 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 56: Poster III

Q 56.95: Poster

Thursday, March 21, 2013, 16:00–18:30, Empore Lichthof

On the Electrons in the Quantum Free-Electron Laser — •Rainer Endrich1, Enno Giese1, Peter Kling1, Matthias Knobl1, Paul Preiss1,2, Wolfgang P. Schleich1, Roland Sauerbrey2, and Muhammad S. Zubairy31Institut für Quantenphysik and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST), Universität Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, D-89081, Germany — 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf eV, D-01328 Dresden, Germany — 3Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA

Free-Electron Lasers (FEL) provide coherent and widely tunable radiation of high brilliance. Most theoretical descriptions are based on classical physics in agreement with experimental results. However, an FEL working the quantum regime is within reach at the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf. Substantial theoretical progress has been made to understand quantum effects which are usually suppressed in the classical regime and therefore ignored. This includes two-level behavior, recoil effects, phase diffusion and much more. Based on our earlier work, we take a closer look at the density matrix of the joint system of laser field and electron beam. By this way we analyze the center-of-mass motion of the electrons and show how bunching emerges in the low-gain regime as well as the hole-burning effect.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2013 > Hannover