
Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme

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AKE: Arbeitskreis Energie

AKE 10: Modelling of Energy Systems and Climate

AKE 10.3: Talk

Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 11:15–11:30, H3

Backup Flexibility Classes in Renewable Electricity Networks with Storage — •David Schlachtberger1, Tom Brown1, Sarah Becker1, Stefan Schramm1, and Martin Greiner21Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany — 2Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

High shares of intermittent renewable generation in a European power system will lead to an increasing demand for flexible complementary generation. This work aims to quantify this demand in terms of generation capacity in different flexibility classes. We use five years of high resolution weather-based wind and solar power generation data to split the backup systems required to cover the residual load into three flexibility classes corresponding to daily, weekly, and seasonal time-scales. They are distinguished by their respective maximum rates of change of power output. Using an economic optimization model, the influence of storage technologies that act on comparable time-scales, like pumped hydro storage for efficient, but limited short term storage, or hydrogen storage with fuel cells with low efficiency, but potentially large capacity for medium to long term storage, can be determined. We also study the effects of constrained network transmission, price assumptions, and electricity generation from reservoir hydro power with inflow on the flexibility of the system.

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