MM 21: Microstructure and Phase Transformations I
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 11:45–13:15, H38
11:45 |
MM 21.1 |
Undercooling behavior of the nucleation of liquid-liquid phase — •Christian Simon, Yikun Zhang, and Gerhard Wilde
12:00 |
MM 21.2 |
Time-resolved investigation of the liquid-solid phase transitions in supercooled liquid Argon and Krypton — •Alexander Schottelius, Björn Beyersdorff, Tiberio Ezquerra, Stephan Roth, and Robert Grisenti
12:15 |
MM 21.3 |
Microstructure development of aluminum based alloys in additive manufacturing revealed from differential fast scanning calorimetry and metallographic studies — •Bin Yang, Olaf Kessler, and Christoph Schick
12:30 |
MM 21.4 |
Pressure-induced spin transition of Fe2+ in magnesio-siderite solid solution and siderite studied by x-ray Raman scattering — •Christopher Weis, Christian Sternemann, Max Wilke, Valerio Cerantola, Christoph J. Sahle, Georg Spiekermann, Yury Forov, Hendrik Rahmann, and Metin Tolan
12:45 |
MM 21.5 |
Confocal Raman microscopy for noncontact and nondestructive characterization of carbon fibers — •Sergej Shashkov, Valery Kopachevsky, Alexander Gvozdev, and Alexander Grigorenko
13:00 |
MM 21.6 |
Anharmonic quantum nuclear vibrations and the stability of hexagonal ice — Edgar Engel, •Bartomeu Monserrat, and Richard Needs