O 66: Frontiers of Electronic Structure Theory: Focus on Topology and Transport
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 18:15–20:30, Poster A
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O 66.1 |
Improving anharmonic vibrational calculations from first principles — •Joseph C.A. Prentice, Bartomeu Monserrat, and Richard J. Needs
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O 66.2 |
Towards a practical implementation of second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory for solids — •Xiangyue Liu, Arvid Conrad Ihrig, Sergey Levchenko, Igor Ying Zhang, and Matthias Scheffler
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O 66.3 |
Application of the exact exchange functional to magnetic metals within the FLAPW method — •Max Nusspickel, Markus Betzinger, Christoph Friedrich, Andreas Görling, and Stefan Blügel
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O 66.4 |
Electric switchable giant Rashba-type spin splitting in bulk PbS — •Bin Shao, Wenhui Duan, and Thomas Frauenheim
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O 66.5 |
GW+fRG: Towards an fRG enhancement of ab initio calculations — •Jannis Ehrlich, Carsten Honerkamp, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
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O 66.6 |
The quantum anomalous Hall effect in HgMnTe — •Jan Böttcher, Christoph Kleiner, and Ewelina M. Hankiewicz
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O 66.7 |
Nonconventional screening of the Coulomb interaction in low-dimensional semiconductors and insulators — Ersoy Sasioglu, •Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel