Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 4: Systems Biology & Gene Expression and Signalling
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–17:30, ZEU 250
15:00 |
BP 4.1 |
Antibiotic-induced gene expression noise and cross-protection at the single-cell level — •Tobias Bollenbach
15:30 |
BP 4.2 |
Origin and consequences of the exponential decay of viability of Escherichia coli during starvation — •Severin Schink, Elena Biselli, Constantin Ammar, and Ulrich Gerland
15:45 |
BP 4.3 |
Magnetogenetic Manipulation of Intracellular Signalling — •Cornelia Monzel, Chiara Vicario, Domenik Lisse, Mathieu Coppey, Jacob Piehler, and Maxime Dahan
16:00 |
BP 4.4 |
Cause and Cure of Sloppiness in Ordinary Differential Equation Models — •Christian Tönsing, Jens Timmer, and Clemens Kreutz
16:15 |
BP 4.5 |
Engineering orthogonal synthetic timer circuits in bacteria — •Marco Mauri, Daniela Pinto, Stefano Vecchione, Hao Wu, Thorsten Mascher, and Georg Fritz
16:30 |
BP 4.6 |
Local Riemannian geometry of model manifolds and its implications for practical parameter identifiability — •Daniel Kaschek, Daniel Lill, and Jens Timmer
16:45 |
BP 4.7 |
Cellular memory couples sporulation and spore revival — Alper Mutlu, Stephanie Trauth, Marika Ziesack, Jan-Philip Bergeest, Karl Rohr, Nils Becker, Thomas Höfer, and •Ilka Bischofs
17:00 |
BP 4.8 |
Inflammatory diseases from the network perspective — •Piotr Nyczka, Amke Caliebe, Silke Szymczak, Carolin Knecht, Kristina Schlicht, Michael Krawczak, and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
17:15 |
BP 4.9 |
Designing Synthetic Networks and Experimentation in silico: A Generalized Evolutionary Algorithm Approach — •Christian Fleck