Berlin 2018 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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AKC: Arbeitskreis Chancengleichheit
AKC 1: Industry Day: One Idea Ahead (joint session AKjDPG/AKC/AIW)
AKC 1.1: Hauptvortrag
Mittwoch, 14. März 2018, 15:00–15:30, E 020
Becoming Business Owner - an Example — •Volker Türck — Berlin
Founding your own company and becoming independent is an idea that seems to inspire more and more people. But how exactly do you do that? What qualifies a physicist to start a business? How do you get the decisive idea? To what extent do you need to be an economist? These are questions that I hear quite often. In this talk I will describe my way from science to business and take a look at the aspects of planning and strategy but also at the moments where luck and chance played an important part. I will also explain what kind of service my company provides and what customers we work with