Aachen 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 42: Experimentelle Methoden I
Dienstag, 26. März 2019, 16:00–18:35, ST 1
16:00 |
T 42.1 |
Track reconstruction for the Mu3e experiment — •Alexandr Kozlinskiy for the Mu3e collaboration
16:20 |
T 42.2 |
Selective background Monte Carlo simulation at Belle II — •James Kahn and Thomas Kuhr
16:35 |
T 42.3 |
New formulas to handle uncertainty from limited Monte Carlo statistics — •Thorsten Glüsenkamp for the IceCube collaboration
16:50 |
T 42.4 |
BAT.jl - A new toolkit for Bayesian analysis — •Cornelius Grunwald, Kevin Kröninger, and Salvatore La Cagnina
17:05 |
T 42.5 |
Pileup mitigation with Constituent Subtraction — •Peter Berta and Lucia Masetti
17:20 |
T 42.6 |
What can High Energy Physics Tracking learn from 1990s computer graphics? — •Paul Gessinger, Andreas Salzburger, and Stefan Tapprogge
17:35 |
T 42.7 |
3D Track Finding in the Preprocessing of the Belle II L1 Neural Network z-Vertex Trigger — •Sebastian Skambraks, Christian Kiesling, Sara McCarney, and Felix Meggendorfer for the Belle 2 collaboration
17:50 |
T 42.8 |
Highly performant, deep neural networks with sub-microsecond latency for trigger FPGAs — •Noel Nottbeck, Volker Büscher, and Christian Schmitt
18:05 |
T 42.9 |
First Level Neural Network z-Trigger Optimization and Implementation in the Drift Chamber of the Belle II Experiment — •Sara McCarney, Christian Kiesling, Felix Meggendorfer, and Sebastian Skambraks
18:20 |
T 42.10 |
Data Quality Monitoring for the Neural Network z-Trigger in the Drift Chamber at the Belle-II Experiment — •Felix Meggendorfer, Sebastian Skambraks, Sara McCarney, and Christian Kiesling for the Belle 2 collaboration