Aachen 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 78: Suche nach Neuen Teilchen IV
Donnerstag, 28. März 2019, 16:00–17:50, H07
16:00 |
T 78.1 |
Measurement of the muon flux and spectrum for the SHiP experiment — •Stefan Bieschke, Caren Hagner, Daniel Bick, Walter Schmidt-Parzefall, Benedict Kaiser, Joachim Ebert, and Björn Opitz
16:20 |
T 78.2 |
Statistical methods and issues in sterile neutrino searches — •Birgit Neumair and Matteo Agostini
16:35 |
T 78.3 |
Background estimation for sub-relativistic particle searches with IceCube — •Jakob Böttcher, Christian Haack, Michael Handt, Timo Stürwald, Christopher Wiebusch, and Simon Ziercke for the IceCube collaboration
16:50 |
T 78.4 |
A Geant4 simulation: The detector response of the SHiP Surrounding Background Tagger — •Eva-Rebecca Dietrich genannt Eisermann for the SHiP LScin SBT collaboration
17:05 |
T 78.5 |
Signatures of sub-relativistic magnetic monopoles in IceCube — •Timo Stürwald, Jakob Böttcher, Christian Haack, Michael Handt, Jöran Stettner, Christopher Wiebusch, and Simon Zierke for the IceCube collaboration
17:20 |
T 78.6 |
Search for Q-balls with IceCube — •Sarah Pieper for the IceCube collaboration
17:35 |
T 78.7 |
Search for low relativistic magnetic monopoles utilizing luminescence light with IceCube* — •Frederik Lauber for the IceCube collaboration