Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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A 16: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses I
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 11:00–13:15, a320
11:00 |
A 16.1 |
Photoionization dynamics of many-electron atoms: an accelerated Green functions approach — •Michael Bonitz, Niclas Schlünzen, Jan-Philip Joost, and Maximilian Rodriguez Rasmussen
11:30 |
A 16.2 |
Revealing the strongly suppressed laser-coherent photoelectron signal using phase-of-the-phase spectroscopy — •Vasily Tulsky, Bennet Krebs, Felix Trepkau, Josef Tiggesbäumker, and Dieter Bauer
11:45 |
A 16.3 |
A novel method to construct analytical solutions of the Dirac Equation — •Andre Gontijo Campos
12:00 |
A 16.4 |
Excitations of forbidden transitions by twisted light in different polarization states — •Sabrina A.-L. Schulz, Anton A. Peshkov, Robert A. Müller, and Andrey Surzhykov
12:15 |
A 16.5 |
Theoretical Prediction of the Attoclock Angle — •Soumi Dutta, Ulf Saalmann, and Jan Michael Rost
12:30 |
A 16.6 |
Intra-cavity velocity-map imaging at a rate of 100 MHz — •Jan-Hendrik Oelmann, Janko Nauta, Alexander Ackermann, Patrick Knauer, Thomas Pfeifer, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
12:45 |
A 16.7 |
Relativistic analytical model of multi-electron atoms — •Kamil D Dzikowski, Oleg D Skoromnik, Natalia S Oreshkina, and Christoph H Keitel
13:00 |
A 16.8 |
Controlling collective enhancement of above threshold ionization by resonantly exciting helium droplets — •Rupert Michiels, Mahmoud Abu-samha, Lars Bojer Madsen, Ulrich Bangert, Marcel Binz, Lukas Bruder, Carlo Callegari, Rowan Duim, Raimund Feifel, Michele Di Fraia, Aaron Cristopher LaForge, Paolo Piseri, Oksana Plekan, Kevin Charles Prince, Richard James Squibb, Stefano Stranges, Daniel Uhl, Andreas Wituschek, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier