
SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 4: Cold Molecules (joint session MO/Q)

Q 4.5: Talk

Monday, March 6, 2023, 12:00–12:15, F102

Towards direct laser cooling of barium monofluoride — •Marian Rockenhäuser, Felix Kogel, Einius Pultinevicius, Tatsam Garg, and Tim Langen — UNI Stuttgart, 5. Physikalisches Insitut, IQST

We report on our progress towards the laser cooling of BaF molecules. This molecular species shows high promise for various types of precision measurement applications. However, due to its high mass, complex hyperfine structure and branching losses through intermediate states, it is also notoriously difficult to cool. In an effort to realize laser cooling, we have performed high-resolution absorption spectroscopy of the lowest rovibrational states to determine an improved set of molecular constants. This has allowed us to identify missing cooling and repumping transitions necessary to realize laser cooling of BaF, as well as to realize near background-free fluorescence imaging of a cold molecular beam

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