SKM 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 41: Topical Session: Defect Phases III
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 15:45–18:00, SCH A 216
15:45 |
MM 41.1 |
Topical Talk:
Entropy in grain boundary segregation — •Pavel Lejcek
16:15 |
MM 41.2 |
Impact of precipitation on grain boundary diffusion in microstructure-engineered Ni-Cr-Fe alloy — •Baixue Bian, Mohan Muralikrishna Garlapati, Shabnam Taheriniya, Sandipan Sen, Gerhard Wilde, and Sergiy V. Divinski
16:30 |
MM 41.3 |
Orientation relationship and interface inclination in dependence of heat treatment time between Al2Ca and Mg Matrix — •Lukas Berners, Zhuocheng Xie, Mattis Seehaus, Siyuan Zhang, and Korte-Kerzel Sandra
16:45 |
MM 41.4 |
Non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of grain boundary diffusion in additively manufactured high-entropy CoCrFeMnNi alloy — •Nuri Choi, Manoel W. da Siva Pinto, Saba Khademorezaian, Sangsun Yang, Ji Hun Yu, Jai Sung Lee, Gerhard Wilde, and Sergiy V. Divinski
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
MM 41.5 |
Unveiling the mechanisms of motion of synchro-Shockley dislocations in Laves phases — •Zhuocheng Xie, Dimitri Chauraud, Achraf Atila, Erik Bitzek, Sandra Korte-Kerzel, and Julien Guénolé
17:30 |
MM 41.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:45 |
MM 41.7 |
Ga Induced Defect Phase Transformations in the Σ7 Mg Grain Boundary — •Prince Mathews, Siyuan Zhang, Christina Scheu, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer