
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 41: Poster: Supported Nanoclusters

O 41.1: Poster

Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 18:00–20:00, P2/EG

Nano-SMSI - FePt clusters on graphene/Rh(111) — •Natalie J. Waleska1, Eva Marie Freiberger1, Felix Hemauer1, Valentin Schwaab1, and Christian Papp1,21Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany — 2Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Strong metal-support interaction is found for particles supported on particular metal oxide surfaces leading, inter alia, to the encapsulation of the particle by a thin layer of the metal oxide support. As a result the adsorption ability is decreased strongly but also specific site blocking is found, offering new opportunities for site selective reactions.

In this work, we investigated graphene-supported FePt clusters on the Rh(111) single crystal surface by in situ high-resolution XPS and the utilization of CO as a probe molecule. The FePt clusters were prepared by successively depositing Fe (1.27 ML) and Pt (0.14 ML) on the graphene/Rh(111) substrate. Oxidation of Fe was achieved by beam induced CO dissociation. Heating of the FePt/graphene/Rh(111) sample to 550 K results in cluster ripening and the encapsulation of Pt by a thin FeO layer due to SMSI. Further increase of the temperature to 900 K, leads to the decomposition of the Fe oxide layer and the intercalation of Fe. Additionally the formation of a FePt alloy was observed at elevated temperature.

We thank Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for allocation of synchrotron-radiation beamtime and BESSY II staff for support during beamtime. This work was funded by the DFG within SFB 953 "Synthetic Carbon Allotropes" (Project #182849149).

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