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DY: Dynamik und Statistische Physik
DY 24: Granulare Materie II
DY 24.3: Talk
Tuesday, March 28, 2000, 15:00–15:15, H2
Granular materials and their application to particle damping technology in industry — •Clara Salueña1, Thorsten Pöschel2, and Sergei E. Esipov3 — 1Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Intitut für Physik, Invalidenstrsaße 110, 10115 Berlin — 2ICA1, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 27, 70569 — 330 Newport Pkwy., Jersey City, NJ 07310
Particle dampers have been used in aerospace engineering for decades, for its robustness and responsiveness under harsh environmental conditions. Their practical interest encounters however a lack of theoretical models for dense granular systems. Here we show that the (numerical) analysis of systems of vibrated material particles reveals different dissipative regimes which can be mapped into a gas-, liquid- and solid-like phases [1]. Numerical simulations help to understand particle damping and find higher scale theoretical models -where the details of grain motion are irrelevant, which can be used to model the response of a granular damper [2].
[1] C. Saluena, S. E. Esipov and T. Pöschel. Dissipative properties of vibrated granular materials. Phys. Rev. E 59, 4422-4425 (1999).
[2] C. Saluena, S. E. Esipov, D. Rosenkranz and H. V. Panossian. Proceedings of the SPIE’s Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Passive Damping and Isolation, 3672 (1999).