Osnabrück 2002 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 313: Quanteneffekte I
Mittwoch, 6. März 2002, 14:00–16:00, HS 01/E02
14:00 |
Q 313.1 |
Triggered Emission of Narrowband Single-Photon Sequences — •Axel Kuhn, Markus Hennrich, and Gerhard Rempe
14:30 |
Q 313.2 |
Photon-number control with a trapped ion in a leaky cavity — •Christian Di Fidio and Werner Vogel
14:45 |
Q 313.3 |
Photon antibunching and bunching in a strongly coupled atom-cavity system — •Markus Hennrich, Axel Kuhn, and Gerhard Rempe
15:00 |
Q 313.4 |
Coupling a single trapped ion to a high finesse cavity — •Andreas B. Mundt, Axel Kreuter, Christoph Becher, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, J"urgen Eschner, Dietrich Leibfried, and Rainer Blatt
15:15 |
Q 313.5 |
Deterministic cavity-QED with a single ion — •Matthias Keller, Gerhard R. Guthöhrlein, Kazuhiro Hayasaka, Birgit Lange, Wolfgang Lange, and Herbert Walther
15:30 |
Q 313.6 |
Reconstructing the Wigner-Function of the Micromaser Field — •Pavel Lougovski, Enrique Solano, Z.M. Zhang, Herbert Walther, Holger Mack, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
15:45 |
Q 313.7 |
Interference Experiments with Trapped Ba+ Ions — •Pavel Bouchev, Alex Wilson, Jürgen Eschner, and Rainer Blatt