Berlin 2005 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 11: Anorganische dielektrische Schichten
Samstag, 5. März 2005, 14:30–15:45, TU HS110
14:30 |
DS 11.1 |
Initial growth of Pr2O3 epitaxial layers on silicon substrates — •Laure Libralesso, Thomas Schröder, Tien-Lin Lee, Isabelle Joumard, and Jörg Zegenhagen
14:45 |
DS 11.2 |
The initial interaction of Pr2O3 to (001) and (111) oriented Si substrates — •Dieter Schmeißer
15:00 |
DS 11.3 |
Heteroepitaxial silicon / Pr2O3 / silicon structures for nanoelectronics applications — •Thomas Schroeder, Peter Zaumseil, Christian Wenger, Gunther Lippert, Grzegorz Lupina, Hans Joachim Muessig, Laure Libralesso, and Joerg Zegenhagen
15:15 |
DS 11.4 |
The interaction of Al, Au, Ag, and Ti metal contacts with Pr2O3 thin films — •Mohamed Torche and Dieter Schmeißer
15:30 |
DS 11.5 |
Preparation of microcrystalline Si thin films by pulsed plasma CVD at normal pressures — •Maki Suemitsu, Hirotatsu Kitabatake, Yasutake Toyoshima, Setsuo Nakajima, and Tsuyoshi Uehara