15:00 |
O 38.1 |
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Cobalt Phthalocyanine on Cu(111) — •Xin Ge, Carlos Manzano, and Richard Berndt
15:15 |
O 38.2 |
Toward direct structure determination of adsorbed molecules: D and L cysteine on Cu(17 11 9)s — •Richard Schillinger und Thomas Greber
15:30 |
O 38.3 |
STM-manipulation of HB-HPB molecules: transport of adatoms and rotation along the edge of a molecular island — •Francesca Moresco, Leo Gross, Franco Chiaravalloti, and Karl-Heinz Rieder
15:45 |
O 38.4 |
Absorption of π-conjugated molecules on Cu(111) studied by X-ray standing waves — •A. Gerlach, S. Sellner, F. Schreiber, N. Koch, T.-L. Lee, and J. Zegenhagen
16:00 |
O 38.5 |
Fullerene nanowires on a vicinal gold surface — •Néel Nicolas, Kröger Jörg, and Berndt Richard
16:15 |
O 38.6 |
Probing and Modifying Locally the Intrinsic Electronic Structure and the Conformation of Supported Non-Planar Molecules — •Wolf-Dieter Schneider, Marie-Christine Blüm, Marina Pivetta, and François Patthey
16:30 |
O 38.7 |
Adsorbate Properties of single PTCDA-Molecules on Ag(111) — •Rolf Öttking, Werner A. Hofer, Wichard J.D. Beenken, Erich Runge, and Juergen A. Schaefer
16:45 |
O 38.8 |
Robust hydrogen bonding plus molecular backbone flexibility: step-crossing allowed! — •Joachim Schnadt, Eva Rauls, Wei Xu, Jan Knudsen, Ronnie T. Vang, Bjørk Hammer, and Flemming Besenbacher
17:00 |
O 38.9 |
Complex formation and proton transfer between formic acid and water on Au(111) surfaces under UHV conditions — •Michel Kazempoor and Gerhard Pirug
17:15 |
O 38.10 |
Isomerization of an azobenzene derivative on Au(111) by scanning tunneling microscopy — •Micol Alemani, Leonhard Grill, Karl Heinz Rieder, and Francesca Moresco
17:30 |
O 38.11 |
Porous Network Structure of Octacyno-metal free Phthalocyanine on HOPG Surface — •Thiruvancheril G. Gopakumar , Werner R. Thiel, and Michael Hietschold
17:45 |
O 38.12 |
In-situ Alteration of Bimolecular Hydrogen-bond Networks — •Lorenz Kampschulte, Markus Lackinger, Tova Adlerstein, Stefan Griessl, George W. Flynn, and Wolfgang M. Heckl