So, 14:00–17:00 |
H11 |
DF 1: Tutorial “Basics of Dielectric Solids” |
Mo, 10:00–13:00 |
H11 |
DF 2: Internal Symposium “Nonlinearities of Photonic Materials” |
Mo, 14:30–17:30 |
H11 |
DF 3: Relaxor Ferroelectrics |
Di, 10:00–13:00 |
H11 |
DF 4: Internal Symposium “Order/Disorder versus/with Displacive Behaviour” |
Di, 10:00–13:00 |
H23 |
DF 5: Glass I (joint session with DY) |
Di, 14:30–17:50 |
H23 |
DF 6: Glass II (joint session with DY) |
Di, 14:30–17:50 |
H11 |
DF 7: Dielectric and Ferroelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures I |
Mi, 14:30–17:10 |
H11 |
DF 8: Dielectric and Ferroelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures II |
Do, 10:00–13:00 |
H48 |
DF 9: Electric, Electromechanical and Optical Properties I |
Do, 14:30–17:50 |
H48 |
DF 10: Dielectric and Ferroelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures III |
Do, 14:30–18:00 |
Poster C |
DF 11: Poster Session |
Fr, 10:30–12:50 |
H11 |
DF 12: Electric, Electromechanical and Optical Properties II |