München 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 55: Halbleiterdetektoren 1
Montag, 9. März 2009, 17:00–19:15, A125
17:00 |
T 55.1 |
Characterization of new ATLAS pixel Front-End prototype for upgraded luminosity — •Hubertus Junker, Marlon Barbero, Michael Karagounis, and Norbert Wermes
17:15 |
T 55.2 |
Ein Mehrkanal-TCT Aufbau zur Untersuchung der Eigenschaften von Silizium-Sensoren bei Ladungsinjektion hoher Intensität — •Julian Becker, Doris Eckstein, Georg Steinbrück und Robert Klanner
17:30 |
T 55.3 |
New ATLAS Pixel Front-End Chip for Upgraded Luminosity — •Tomasz Hemperek, David Arutinov, Marlon Barbero, Michael Karagounis, and Norbert Wermes
17:45 |
T 55.4 |
The ATLAS Pixel Stave Emulator for Serial Powering — •Laura Gonella, Markus Cristinziani, Andreas Eyring, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, and Norbert Wermes
18:00 |
T 55.5 |
The Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project (PPS) for the ATLAS Upgrade (exchanged with T 55.8) — •Daniel Muenstermann on behalf of the ATLAS PPS collaboration
18:15 |
T 55.6 |
Evaluation of Radiation Tolerant ATLAS Pixel Sensors under SuperLHC Conditions — Claus Gößling, Silke Herbst, Reiner Klingenberg, Daniel Muenstermann, •André Rummler, Georg Troska, Tobias Wittig, and Renate Wunstorf
18:30 |
T 55.7 |
Halbleiterdetektoren im KATRIN-Experiment — •Udo Schmitt
18:45 |
T 55.8 |
Re-design of the ATLAS pixel detector for the insertable b-layer and Super-LHC upgrades (exchanged with T 55.5) — Claus Gößling, Jennifer Jentzsch, Reiner Klingenberg, Daniel Muenstermann, André Rummler, Georg Troska, •Tobias Wittig, and Renate Wunstorf
19:00 |
T 55.9 |
Volldifferentielle Auslese von 3D Sensoren — •Michael Karagounis, Hans Krüger und Norbert Wermes