Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 22: Poster: Glass Transition and Dynamics of Liquids
Dienstag, 15. März 2011, 18:00–20:00, P2
18:00 |
CPP 22.1 |
Elastic Properties of Glasses — •Christian L. Klix, Florian Ebert, Georg Maret, and Peter Keim
18:00 |
CPP 22.2 |
Low-Temperature Dynamics in Amorphous Polymers and Low-Molecular-Weight Glasses — Study with Single-Molecule Spectroscopy — Ivan Yu. Eremchev, Yury G. Vainer, Andrei V. Naumov, and •Lothar Kador
18:00 |
CPP 22.3 |
Shear relaxation of simulated glass-forming polymer melts — •Stephan Frey, Hendrik Meyer, Joerg Baschnagel, and Matthias Fuchs
18:00 |
CPP 22.4 |
Molecular relaxation processes in a MOF-5 structure revealed by broadband dielectric spectroscopy: signature of phenylene ring fluctuations — Stefan Frunza, •Andreas Schönhals, Ligia Frunza, Paul Ganea, Hendrik Kosslick, Jörg Harloff, and Axel Schulz
18:00 |
CPP 22.5 |
Molecular dynamics of glass forming liquids under geometrical nano-confinement — •Wycliffe Kipnusu, Ciprian Iacob, Joshua Sangoro, Roger Gläser, and Friedrich Kremer
18:00 |
CPP 22.6 |
Dielectric relaxation of a nematic liquid crystal dispersed in a polar or non-polar polymer matrix — Lakshmi Meena Ganesan, •Lars Holländer, Werner Wirges, Peter Frübing, and Reimund Gerhard
18:00 |
CPP 22.7 |
Confinement-induced glass transition of n-butanol in silicon-nanochannels — •Carsten Biehl, Rene Berwanger, and Rolf Pelster
18:00 |
CPP 22.8 |
Investigation of discotic liquid crystals — •Christina Krause, Huajie Yin, and Andreas Schönhals
18:00 |
CPP 22.9 |
Perfluorinated surfactants as model charged systems for understanding the effect of confinement on proton transport and water mobility in fuel cell membranes. A study by QENS — Sandrine Lyonnard, Quentin Berrod, •Beate-Annette Brüning, Gerard Gebel, Armel Guillermo, Hossein Ftouni, Jacques Ollivier, and Bernhard Frick