Berlin 2012 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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VA: Fachverband Vakuumphysik und Vakuumtechnik
VA 2: Desorption
VA 2.2: Vortrag
Montag, 26. März 2012, 14:20–14:40, HFT-FT 131
AP-TDS characterization of CO2 methanation catalysts — •Matthias Städter and Dieter Schmeißer — Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
Development of new catalysts and their characterization by TDS (thermal desorption spectroscopy) is used in a wide field of applications. In our group we focus on catalysts usable to convert CO2 towards methane by the Sabatier reaction (CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O at 375∘C). For measuring large numbers of samples we designed an AP-TDS (ambient pressure TDS) chamber where various desorption experiments can be performed without bringing the catalyst into vacuum. The well-defined reaction chamber, in terms of temperature, pressure and gas composition (Ar atmosphere), is separated by a pin hole (∅ = 6 µ m) from an external UHV chamber. Evolving species and their composition are monitored by a mass spectrometer attached to the UHV chamber. Our first measurement results on commercially available NiO/SiO2 and Ru/Al2O3 based catalysts, with focus on the identification and enumeration of different adsorption sites for CO2, will be presented. CO2 saturated samples were heated from RT to 1100∘C (heating rate β = 0.3 K/s) while measuring the evolution of the CO2 content. Our measurements show large numbers of different adsorption sites for NiO (200-750∘C) whereas Ru shows only few different sites around 440∘C. For both catalysts, most of the formerly adsorbed CO2 remains at the surface (at 375∘C) available for methanation.