Hannover 2013 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 51: Precision measurements and metrology VI (with Q)
Freitag, 22. März 2013, 14:00–15:45, E 001
14:00 |
A 51.1 |
A long reference cavity with contribution from thermal noise to frequency instability of below 10−16 — •Sebastian Häfner, Stefan Vogt, Stephan Falke, Christian Lisdat, and Uwe Sterr
14:15 |
A 51.2 |
Laser ranging for GRACE follow-on — •Daniel Schütze, Gunnar Stede, Vitali Müller, Alexander Görth, Oliver Gerberding, Christoph Mahrdt, Benjamin Sheard, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
14:30 |
A 51.3 |
General Astigmatic Gaussian Beam Model — •Evgenia Kochkina, Dennis Schmelzer, Gudrun Wanner, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
14:45 |
A 51.4 |
Ultra-stable 39.5 cm long optical cavity with reduced thermal noise — •Sana Amairi and Piet O. Schmidt
15:00 |
A 51.5 |
Digital unterstützte heterodyn Interferometrie — •Katharina-Sophie Isleif, Sina Köhlenbeck, Oliver Gerberding, Stefan Goßler, Gerhard Heinzel und Karsten Danzmann
15:15 |
A 51.6 |
Coating thermal noise interferometer — •Tobias Westphal and the AEI 10m Prototype team
15:30 |
A 51.7 |
Control of optical cavities in light-shining-through-a-wall experiments — •Robin Baehre