O 85: Transport: Topological Insulators (jointly with DS, HL, MA, and TT)
Freitag, 15. März 2013, 09:30–13:15, H18
09:30 |
O 85.1 |
Structure factor of a weakly interacting helical liquid — •Suhas Gangadharaiah, Thomas L. Schmidt, and Daniel Loss
09:45 |
O 85.2 |
Strongly interacting Majorana modes in an array of Josephson junctions — Fabian Hassler and •Dirk Schuricht
10:00 |
O 85.3 |
All-electrical measurement of crossed Andreev reflection in topological insulators — •Rolf W. Reinthaler, Patrik Recher, and Ewelina M. Hankiewicz
10:15 |
O 85.4 |
Zero-voltage conductance peak from weak antilocalization in a Majorana nanowire — •Michael Wimmer, Dimitri Pikulin, Jan Dahlhaus, Henning Schomerus, and Carlo Beenakker
10:30 |
O 85.5 |
Spectral properties of disordered multi-channel Majorana wires — •Patrick Neven, Dmitry Bagrets, and Alexander Altland
10:45 |
O 85.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
11:00 |
O 85.7 |
Fluctuation driven topological Hund insulator — •Jan Carl Budich, Bjoern Trauzettel, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
O 85.8 |
Floquet Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in the Wen-Plaquette Model — •Victor Manuel Bastidas Valencia, Clive Emary, Gernot Schaller, and Tobias Brandes
11:45 |
O 85.9 |
Fermion-parity anomaly of the critical supercurrent in the quantum spin-Hall effect — •Jan Dahlhaus, Dmitry Pikulin, Timo Hyart, Henning Schomerus, and Carlo Beenakker
12:00 |
O 85.10 |
Topological kicked rotators — •Jan Dahlhaus, Jonathan Edge, Jakub Tworzydlo, and Carlo Beenakker
12:15 |
O 85.11 |
Theory of correlated topological insulators with broken axial spin symmetry — •Stephan Rachel
12:30 |
O 85.12 |
Interaction effects on almost flat surface bands in topological insulators — •Matthias Sitte, Lars Fritz, and Achim Rosch
12:45 |
O 85.13 |
Local spin susceptibility and surface states in doped three-dimensional topological insulators with odd-parity superconducting pairing symmetry — •Björn Zocher and Bernd Rosenow
13:00 |
O 85.14 |
Effective spinful Kitaev model and Majorana fermion mediated magnetoelectric phenomena — •Panagiotis Kotetes, Alexander Shnirman, and Gerd Schön