18:15 |
O 41.1 |
LEED-IV-Analysis of large planar molecules on Ag surfaces — •Ina Krieger, Johannes Ingenmey, Georg Held, Christian Kumpf, and Moritz Sokolowski
18:15 |
O 41.2 |
Confinement of surface state electrons by molecular self-assembled networks — •Jun Li, Stefano Gottardi, Juan Carlos Moreno Lopez, Leonid Solianyk, and Meike Stöhr
18:15 |
O 41.3 |
Comparison of Electronic Transport Measurements on Carbon Nanomembranes using Conductive Probe Atomic Force Microscopy and Ga2O3/EGaIn Top Electrodes — •Emanuel Marschewski, Xianghui Zhang, Paul Penner, and Armin Gölzhäuser
18:15 |
O 41.4 |
On the adsorption behavior of the ionic liquid [BMP][TFSA] on TiO2 (110), Cu(111) and Ag(111) and the interaction with Li — •Maral Hekmatfar, Benedikt Uhl, Florian Buchner, Dorothea Alwast, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:15 |
O 41.5 |
Templated Protein Adsorption on Cu2N — •Sebastian Koslowski, Daniel P. Rosenblatt, Sabine Abb, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern, and Uta Schlickum
18:15 |
O 41.6 |
From hydrogen bonding to metal-coordination and back: porphyrin derivatives on Ag(111) — •Kathrin Müller, Florian Studener, Nicolas Marets, Véronique Bulach, Mir Wais Hosseini, and Meike Stöhr
18:15 |
O 41.7 |
Interaction of Ethylene Carbonate and Propylene Carbonate with Lithium on a Cu(111) Model Electrode — •Maral Bozorgchenani, Florian Buchner, Johannes Schnaidt, Hanieh Farkhondeh, Benedikt Uhl, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:15 |
O 41.8 |
Femtosecond time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy of C6H5X/D2O/Cu(111) — •Ishita Agarwal, Isabella Avigo, Samad Abdul Sayed, Manual Ligges, Vesna Mikšić Trontl, Ping Zhou, and Uwe Bovensiepen
18:15 |
O 41.9 |
Inelastic Excitations in Rare-Earth-Based Metal-Organic Complexes — •Daniela Rolf, Paul Stoll, Tobias R. Umbach, Janina N. Ladenthin, Matthias Bernien, Constantin Czekelius, Wolfgang Kuch, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 41.10 |
First steps on the way to a superconductive organic layer — •Falko Sojka, Tobias Huempfner, Christian Zwick, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
18:15 |
O 41.11 |
Investigation of the growth of terephthalic and benzoic acids on Au(111) and oxidized Aluminum — •Marcel Marschewski, Harun Tas, Oliver Höfft, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, and Andreas Schmidt
18:15 |
O 41.12 |
A light-microscope for samples under ultra-high vacuum conditions — •Christian Marquardt, Nils Rohbohm, Alexander Paulheim, and Moritz Sokolowski
18:15 |
O 41.13 |
Structural and electronic properties of metal-organic networks on Pb(111) — •Gelavizh Ahmadi and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 41.14 |
Reactive Coupling and Self-Assembly of Tetraphenylporphyrins on Cu(111) — •Malte Zugermeier, Min Chen, Martin Schmid, and J. Michael Gottfried
18:15 |
O 41.15 |
Dynamic control of STM-induced luminescence by a single molecule — Christoph Große, Alexander Kabakchiev, Theresa Lutz, Romain Froidevaux, Frank Schramm, Mario Ruben, Markus Etzkorn, Uta Schlickum, •Klaus Kuhnke, and Klaus Kern
18:15 |
O 41.16 |
The adsorption geometry and electronic structure of TCNQ and TCNQ + Mn on Ag(001) and Cu(001) surfaces — •Martin Graus, Vitaliy Feyer, Pascal Nigge, Giovanni Zamborlini, Robert G. Acres, Achim Schöll, Friedrich Reinert, and Claus M. Schneider
18:15 |
O 41.17 |
Ab initio thermodynamical study of thiolate adsorption on Au(111) using the vdW-DF-CX functional — •Joakim Löfgren, Henrik Grönbeck, Kasper Moth-Poulsen, and Paul Erhart
18:15 |
O 41.18 |
ARPES study of the electronic structure and light-induced spin-state switching in Fe(II) spin-crossover films on Au(111) — •Sebastian Rohlf, Eric Ludwig, Holger Naggert, Matthias Kalläne, Erik Kröger, Alexander Bannwarth, Arndt Quer, Kai Rossnagel, Lutz Kipp, and Felix Tuczek
18:15 |
O 41.19 |
Development of a Soft-Landing for Electrospray Deposition — •Micha Elsebach, Maciej Bazarnik, Bernhard Bugenhagen, Annika Frank, Marc H. Prosenc, and Roland Wiesendanger
18:15 |
O 41.20 |
STM Imaging of Sequence Controlled Polymers — •Ivan Pentegov, Bogdana Borca, Verena Schendel, Sabine Abb, Peter Wahl, Uta Schlickum, Stephan Rauschenbach, Tam Trinh, Jean-Francois Lutz, and Klaus Kern
18:15 |
O 41.21 |
Modelling X-ray Photoemission Spectra using Density Functional Theory — •Thomas Christoph Taucher, David Alexander Egger, Michael Zharnikov, and Egbert Zojer
18:15 |
O 41.22 |
Crystallization of Tris-HCl on gold and mica surfaces — •Seyma Nayir, Merve Altay, Toprak Ayaz, Ilker Oztoprak, and Oguzhan Gurlu
18:15 |
O 41.23 |
Optical, electronic, and structural properties of lead phthalocyanine on graphene — •Matthias Meissner, Noriaki Kawakita, Christian Zwick, Andreas Masek, Takashi Yamada, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Roman Forker, Toshiaki Munakata, and Torsten Fritz
18:15 |
O 41.24 |
Unveiling the Structure Evolution of CO Adsorption on Ru(0001) and O/Ru(0001) by High-Resolution STM — •Qiwei Chen and Kai Wu
18:15 |
O 41.25 |
Investigation of molecular hydrogen in a tunneling junction using STS — •Simon Röger, Matthias Stocker, and Berndt Koslowski
18:15 |
O 41.26 |
Sythesis and characterization of bulk heterojunction solar cells based on nanoporous templates — •Sven Hilke, Stefan Ostendorp, Christian Strassert, and Gerhard Wilde
18:15 |
O 41.27 |
Diindenoperylene film formation on Cu(111) — •Hazem Aldahhak, Wolf Gero Schmidt, and Eva Rauls
18:15 |
O 41.28 |
STM Study of the structural formation of cobalt naphthalocyanine on Au(111) — •Lothar Brosda and Carsten Westphal
18:15 |
O 41.29 |
Self-assembled monolayers of shape-persistent macrocycles on graphite: interior design and conformational polymorphism — Joscha Vollmeyer, Friederike Eberhagen, Sigurd Höger, and •Stefan-Sven Jester
18:15 |
O 41.30 |
Quantum interference in tunneling through a molecular Kondo system — Isabel Fernandez-Torrente, •Michael Ruby, Tobias R. Umbach, Benjamin W. Heinrich, Jose I. Pascual, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 41.31 |
Photoswitching Kinetics of Azobenzene SAMs on Gold(111) — •Thomas Moldt, Daniel Przyrembel, Wibke Bronsch, Larissa Boie, Daniel Brete, Cornelius Gahl, and Martin Weinelt
18:15 |
O 41.32 |
Including depolarization effects in molecular dynamics simulations of self-assembled monolayers — •Iris Hehn, Manuel Vieider, Otello M. Roscioni, Swen Schuster, Michael Zharnikov, Claudio Zannoni, and Egbert Zojer
18:15 |
O 41.33 |
Structural and Electronic Properties of Thiophene-based Supramolecular Architectures on the Metal Surface — •Zechao Yang, Katharina J. Franke, and Jose I. Pascual
18:15 |
O 41.34 |
Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics in Thin Sexithiophene Films — Wibke Bronsch, Malte Wansleben, Kristof Zielke, •Cornelius Gahl, and Martin Weinelt
18:15 |
O 41.35 |
Tuning Molecular Electronic "Set Screws" to Realize Deep-Blue Triplet Emitters - an STM/STS study — •Pascal Raphael Ewen, Jan Sanning, Nikos Doltsinis, Cristian Alejandro Strassert, and Daniel Wegner
18:15 |
O 41.36 |
Self-assembly of thienothiophene based molecules and C60 on Au(111) — •Julia Läger, Christian Lotze, Nils Krane, Lei Zhang, Alejandro L. Briseno, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 41.37 |
Spectroscopic study of self-assembled monolayers on a Co(0001) surface — •Runyuan Han, David A. Duncan, Johannes Bauer, Peter Feulner, and Francesco Allegretti
18:15 |
O 41.38 |
Ab-initio Calculation of Scanning Tunnelling Spectra of Tin-Phthalocyanine Multilayer Structures — •Felix Schwarz, Yongfeng Wang, Richard Berndt, Erich Runge, and Jörg Kröger
18:15 |
O 41.39 |
On-surface reactions of porphin molecules on Au(111) — •Nino Hatter, Sonja Schubert, Benjamin W. Heinrich, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 41.40 |
Properties of self-assembled monolayers formed by triarylamine derivatives on metal and insulator substrates — •Martin Gurrath, Christian Steiner, Sabine Maier, and Bernd Meyer
18:15 |
O 41.41 |
Growth and vibrational properties of ultra-thin TiOPc films on Ag(111) — Laura Fernández, Sebastian Thussing, Sebastian Flade, and •Peter Jakob
18:15 |
O 41.42 |
Probing non-planar porphyrin molecules with nc-AFM — Florian Albrecht, •Felix Bischoff, Yuanqin He, Willi Auwärter, Johannes Barth, and Jascha Repp
18:15 |
O 41.43 |
Forced assembly of functional molecules — •Knud Seufert, Felix Bischoff, Yuanqin He, Auwärter Willi, Johannes V. Barth, and Leonhard Grill
18:15 |
O 41.44 |
Structural analysis of ordered monolayers of the lander-type molecule DBP on Ag(100) via STM and LEED — •Timo Heepenstrick, Yifei Zhang, Ina Krieger, and Moritz Sokolowski
18:15 |
O 41.45 |
Ordering and Electronic Properties of Porphine on Graphene/Ag(111) — •Jacob Ducke, Yuanqin He, Felix Bischoff, Manuela Garnica, Johannes Barth, and Willi Auwärter
18:15 |
O 41.46 |
Controlling Coordination Reaction and Assembly on an Insulating Boron Nitride Monolayer — José I. Urgel, •Martin Schwarz, Manuela Garnica, Daphné Stassen, Davide Bonifazi, David Ecija, Johannes V. Barth, and Willi Auwärter
18:15 |
O 41.47 |
Light-induced ring-closure isomerization of a diarylethene derivate in direct contact with surfaces — •Fabian Nickel, Matthias Bernien, Sandro Wrzalek, Martin Herder, Pantelis Chittas, Kai Kraffert, Lucas M. Arruda, Lalminthang Kipgen, Stefan Hecht, and Wolfgang Kuch
18:15 |
O 41.48 |
STM investigations of functional platform adlayers on Au(111) surfaces — •Talina Rusch, Sonja Lemke, Sandra Ulrich, Hanne Jakob, Felix Tuczek, Rainer Herges, and Olaf Magnussen
18:15 |
O 41.49 |
Hierarchical and charge transfer effects in a bimolecular network of structurally related scaffolds — •Christian Steiner, Maximilian Ammon, Bettina Gliemann, Ute Meinhardt, Martin Gurrath, Bernd Meyer, Milan Kivala, and Sabine Maier