10:30 |
O 98.1 |
Thiolate versus Selenolate: Structure, Stability, and Charge Transfer Properties — •Tobias Wächter, Jakub Ossowski, Laura Silies, Martin Kind, Agnieszka Noworolska, Florian Blobner, Dominika Gnatek, Jakub Rysz, Michael Bolte, Peter Feulner, Andreas Terfort, Piotr Cyganik, and Michael Zharnikov
10:45 |
O 98.2 |
In-situ LEEM investigation of the growth of organic monolayers on metal surfaces — •Janina Felter, Caroline Henneke, Jana Wolters, and Christian Kumpf
11:00 |
O 98.3 |
Multiple molecular templates induced by dehydrogenation of a benzoquinone derivative on Cu(111) — •Giuseppe Mercurio, Nils Wind, Simon Weiß, Serguei Soubatch, Frank Stefan Tautz, and Wilfried Wurth
11:15 |
O 98.4 |
Structure formation of tetramantane[121] on copper(111) — •Marvin Stiefermann, Daniel Ebeling, Peter Schreiner, and André Schrimeisen
11:30 |
O 98.5 |
On the Temperature-dependent Behavior of Ultrathin Ethylene Carbonate Films on Graphite(0001) — •Maral Bozorgchenani, Florian Buchner, and R. Jürgen Behm
11:45 |
O 98.6 |
Carbene based molecular anchors on metal surfaces — •Bibek Adhikari, Sheng Meng, and Maria Fyta
12:00 |
O 98.7 |
Beyond the hexagon: Non-alternant aromatic molecules on metal surfaces — Benedikt P. Klein, Philipp Müller, Johanna Schepp, Falk Niefind, Malte Zugermeier, Maik Schöniger, Martin Schmid, and •J. Michael Gottfried
12:15 |
O 98.8 |
Layer-resolved evolution of perfluoropentacene thin films on Ag(110) surfaces — •Ebrahim Ghanbari, Markus Aiglinger, Andrea Navarro-Quezada, Thorsten Wagner, and Peter Zeppenfeld
12:30 |
O 98.9 |
A comparative STM study: adsorption behavior of different benzoporphyrin derivatives on coinage metals — Michael Lepper, Michael Stark, Liang Zhang, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and •Hubertus Marbach
12:45 |
O 98.10 |
Self-assembly of triphenylene molecules on the reconstructed Au(111) surface: influence of the surface stacking order — Sören Zint, •Daniel Ebeling, Sebastian Ahles, Hermann A. Wegner, and André Schirmeisen
13:00 |
O 98.11 |
Probing the Conformations of Synthetic Sequence Controlled Polymers — Ivan Pentegov, Tam Trinh, •Stephan Rauschenbach, Uta Schlickum, Sabine Abb, Ludger Harnau, Simone Conti, Duy Le, Talat Rahman, Marco Ceccini, Jean-Francois Lutz, and Klaus Kern