Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 33: Posters - Systems Biology & Gene Expression and Signalling
Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 14:00–16:00, P2-OG1
14:00 |
BP 33.1 |
Error model estimation by maximum-likelihood methods — •Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek, Daniel Kaschek, and Jens Timmer
14:00 |
BP 33.2 |
Impact of reparametrization on fitting of ODE models — •Lukas Refisch, Jens Timmer, and Clemens Kreutz
14:00 |
BP 33.3 |
Quantitative analysis of the spatial toggle switch that controls Myxococcus xanthus motility — •Manon Wigbers, Luis Carreira, Filipe Tostevin, Dobromir Szadkowski, Lotte Søgaard-Andersen, and Ulrich Gerland
14:00 |
BP 33.4 |
Communication between bacteria and cell-free expression systems within linear chains of emulsion droplets — •Matthaeus Schwarz-Schilling, Lukas Aufinger, Andrea Mückl, and Friedrich C. Simmel
14:00 |
BP 33.5 |
Deconvolution of luminescence cross-talk in high-throughput gene expression profiling — •Marco Mauri, Stefano Vecchione, and Georg Fritz
14:00 |
BP 33.6 |
Quantitative analysis of bacterial growth and starvation at elevated temperatures — •Mariel García Huiman, Severin Schink, Michael Szabo, and Ulrich Gerland
14:00 |
BP 33.7 |
Machine Learning for epigenetic network inference in T cells — •Christoph Kommer, Qin Zhang, Ahmed Hegazy, Max Löhning, and Thomas Höfer
14:00 |
BP 33.8 |
Optimizing Network Models of Nucleosome Configurations at the PHO5 Promoter in Yeast — •Michael Wolff, Andrea Schmid, Philipp Korber, and Ulrich Gerland