09:30 |
DF 11.1 |
Topical Talk:
Implications of domain evolution during the growth of ferroelectric superlattices — Rui Liu, Benjamin Bein, Hsiang-Chun Hsing, Anna Gura, Mohammed Humed Yusuf, Giulia Bertino, Jin-Wen Lai, and •Matthew Dawber
10:00 |
DF 11.2 |
Probing in situ the polar states in growing multiferroic heterostructures — •Morgan Trassin, Gabriele De Luca, Sebastian Manz, and Manfred Fiebig
10:15 |
DF 11.3 |
Early stage of ferroelectricity in BaTiO3 multilayers — •Nives Bonacic, Gabriele De Luca, Marco Campanini, Marta D Rossell, Manfred Fiebig, and Morgan Trassin
10:30 |
15 min. break
10:45 |
DF 11.4 |
Domain wall architecture in tetragonal ferroelectric thin films — •Gabriele De Luca, Marta D. Rossell, Jakob Schaab, Nathalie Viart, Manfred Fiebig, and Morgan Trassin
11:00 |
DF 11.5 |
Monoclinic superdomains in ferroelectric K0.7Na0.3NbO3 thin films on TbScO3 — •Leonard von Helden, Martin Schmidbauer, Dorothee Braun, Christoph Feldt, Michael Hanke, and Jutta Schwarzkopf
11:15 |
DF 11.6 |
Controlling the intrinsic polarization state in RF sputtering grown ferroelectric ultrathin films — •Christian Weymann, Céline Lichtensteiger, Stéphanie Fernandez, Jean-Marc Triscone, and Patrycja Paruch
11:30 |
DF 11.7 |
Analysing the orientation distribution function of ferroelectric domains using vector piezoresponse force microscopy — •Markus Kratzer, Michael Lasnik, Felice Bombieri, Sören Röhrig, Marco Deluca, and Christian Teichert
11:45 |
DF 11.8 |
Smart correction of SPM time series: can data analytics help us extract correlations? — •Iaroslav Gaponenko, Philippe Tückmantel, Benedikt Ziegler, Guillaume Rapin, Manisha Chhikara, and Patrycja Paruch
12:00 |
15 min. break
12:15 |
DF 11.9 |
Topical Talk:
The electro-caloric effect in BaTiO3 from first principles — •Claude Ederer
12:45 |
DF 11.10 |
Influence of domain walls on the electrocaloric effect — •Anna Grünebohm, Madhura Marathe, and Claude Marathe