Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 43: Plasmonics and Nanooptics V: Light-Matter Interaction
Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 14:00–16:00, TRE Ma
14:00 |
HL 43.1 |
Scanning near-field optical microscopy with inline-homodyne detection — •Jens Brauer, Jinxin Zhan, Petra Groß, and Christoph Lienau
14:15 |
HL 43.2 |
Vectorial near-field coupling on the nano scale — •M. Esmann, S.F. Becker, J. Witt, G. Wittstock, R. Vogelgesang, and C. Lienau
14:30 |
HL 43.3 |
Modulation of extraordinary optical transmission through nanohole arrays using ultrashort laser pulses — Kellie Pearce, Benjamin Duschner, Robin Dehde, Florian Richter, and •Ulf Kleineberg
14:45 |
HL 43.4 |
Non-linear imaging of individual plasmonic nanostructures using phase-shaped femtosecond laser pulses — •Veit Giegold, Richard Ciesielski, Alexander Biewald, Tobia Mancabelli, Alberto Comin, and Achim Hartschuh
15:00 |
HL 43.5 |
Modeling of higher harmonic generation with the Fourier modal method using adaptive coordinates — •Josselin Defrance, Martin Schäferling, Maxim L. Nesterov, and Thomas Weiss
15:15 |
HL 43.6 |
Tracking Plasmon Propagation by Terahertz-Streaking at Metal Nanotips — •Lara Wimmer, Benjamin Schröder, Murat Sivis, Georg Herink, and Claus Ropers
15:30 |
HL 43.7 |
Relaxation dynamics of plasmonic hot-carriers in gold nanoparticles — •Emanuele Minutella, Florian Schulz, and Holger Lange
15:45 |
HL 43.8 |
Coherent phase-resolved near-field spectroscopy of single gold nanorods enabled by self-interference in an ultrasharp gold taper — Martin Esmann, Simon F. Becker, •Abbas Chimeh, Ralf Vogelgesang, and Christoph Lienau