10:30 |
O 86.1 |
Charge Puddles in Graphene near the Dirac Point — •Sayanti Samaddar, Indra Yudhistira, Shaffique Adam, Hervè Courtois, and Clemens Winkelmann
10:45 |
O 86.2 |
Ab-initio study of the effective Coulomb interactions and Stoner ferromagnetism in hydrogenated graphene — •Ersoy Sasioglu, Hanif Hadipour, Christoph Friedrich, Stefan Blügel, and Ingrid Mertig
11:00 |
O 86.3 |
Characterization of CVD-grown graphene on germanium at the atomic scale — •Andreas P. Becker, Wolfang M. Klesse, Mindaugas Lukosius, and Thomas Schroeder
11:15 |
O 86.4 |
Observation of photoemission "dark lines" for Ir(111) and graphene/Ir(111) via high-resolution ToF k-microscopy — •Anna Zaporozhchenko-Zymaková, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Katerina Medjanik, Christian Tusche, Olena Fedchenko, Sergey Chernov, Martin Ellguth, Sergej A. Nepijko, Hans-Joachim Elmers, and Gerd Schönhense
11:30 |
O 86.5 |
Landau Level Spectroscopy of Twisted Graphene Layers on Ir(111) — •Sabina Simon, Felix Förschner, Vivien Enenkel, Fabian Geml, Yuriy Dedkov, Timo Knispel, Charlotte Herbig, Thomas Michely, and Mikhail Fonin
11:45 |
O 86.6 |
Epitaxial growth of graphene via flash annealing of SiC studied by STM, AFM and LEED — •Ismail Baltaci, Malte Schulte, Eugenia Wodopian, Patrick Mehring, and Carsten Westphal
12:00 |
O 86.7 |
Surface-assisted self-assembly of graphene nanoribbons — •Axel Enders, Paulo Costa, Jacob Teeter, Daniel Miller, Eva Zurek, and Alexander Sinitskii
12:15 |
O 86.8 |
Lifting Graphene by Alkali Intercalation — •Caio Silva, Jiaqi Cai, Wouter Jolie, Daniela Dombrowski, Ferdinand Farwick zum Hagen, Antonio Martínez-Galera, Christoph Schlueter, Tien-Lin Lee, and Carsten Busse
12:30 |
O 86.9 |
Giant magneto-photoelectric effect at a graphene edge — •Friedemann Queisser, Ralf Schützhold, Jens Sonntag, Annika Kurzmann, Martin Geller, and Axel Lorke
12:45 |
O 86.10 |
Magnetism in graphene induced by transition metal and rare earth atomic layers — •Vasile Caciuc, Nicolae Atodiresei, and Stefan Blügel