Aachen 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 61: Kosmische Strahlung III
Mittwoch, 27. März 2019, 16:00–18:25, S13
16:00 |
T 61.1 |
Recent Results from the KASCADE-Grande Data Analysis — •Donghwa Kang for the KASCADE-Grande-Collaboration
16:20 |
T 61.2 |
The Pierre Auger Observatory - Recent Results and Perspectives — •Thomas Bretz
16:40 |
T 61.3 |
Updates on AugerPrime Engineering Array Analyses * — •Sonja Schröder
16:55 |
T 61.4 |
Search for ultra-high energy photons with the AugerPrime upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory — •Paulo Ferreira, Thomas Bretz, Adrianna García, Thomas Hebbeker, Julian Kemp, Tobias Pan, and Christine Peters
17:10 |
T 61.5 |
A new end-to-end calibration of the Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory — Jan Berens, Kai Daumiller, Joachim Debatin, Hermann-Josef Mathes, •Eric Mayotte, Alexander Menshikov, and Julian Rautenberg
17:25 |
T 61.6 |
Observation of air showers with the IceAct 7 pixel demonstrator in coincidence with IceCube and IceTop — •Erik Ganster, Jan Auffenberg, Pascal Backes, Thomas Bretz, Johannes Buscher, Maurice Günder, Martin Rongen, Merlin Schaufel, and Christopher Wiebusch for the IceCube collaboration
17:40 |
T 61.7 |
Cosmic Ray Composition With Combined Particle and Radio Measurements * — •Marvin Gottowik
17:55 |
T 61.8 |
Contracting Alignment Patterns in the arrival directions of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays induced in the Galactic Magnetic Field — •Marcus Wirtz, Martin Erdmann, Lukas Geiger, David Schmidt, and Martin Urban
18:10 |
T 61.9 |
Large Acceptance Analysis of Electrons and Positrons with AMS-02 — •Fabian Machate