
Dresden 2020 – scientific programme

The DPG Spring Meeting in Dresden had to be cancelled! Read more ...

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 46: Poster Session: Frustrated Magnets, Quantum Magnets, Charge Order and Complex Oxids

TT 46.14: Poster

Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:00–19:00, P2/2OG

Improved EPR spectroscopy on single molecular magnets — •Michael Schulze1, Daniel Schroller1, Gheorghe Taran1, Eufemio Pineda2, Mario Ruben2, Christoph Sürgers1, and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer11Physikalisches Institut, KIT, Karlsruhe — 2Institut für Nanotechnologie, KIT, Karlsruhe

The quantum nature and large magnetic anisotropies in lanthanide-based single molecular magnets (SMMs) provides potential for interesting applications in quantum computing and information storage. The development of the micro-SQUID technique provides a tool for high-resolution magnetization measurements of SMM single crystals from the mK-range up to several Kelvin. EPR spectroscopy, where different spin states are excited by resonant absorption of radio frequency radiation, serves as a powerful extension of the micro-SQUID technique to gain further insight into the magnetic properties of SMMs. This project strives to improve various features of this combined setup, such as higher coupling strenghts, better thermalization, and coherent spin manipulation of SMMs.

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