
Dresden 2020 – scientific programme

The DPG Spring Meeting in Dresden had to be cancelled! Read more ...

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 64: Poster: Active Matter and Microswimmers (joint session DY/TT)

TT 64.6: Poster

Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:00–18:00, P1A

Chimera states and waves in cilia arrays — •Albert von Kenne, Markus Bär, and Thomas Niedermayer — Physikalisch-Technische Budesanstallt (PTB), Berlin 10587

The study of coupled oscillators revealed a multitude of collective dynamics including synchronous motion, asynchronous motion, wave-like motion and a peculiar synchronization pattern known as chimera state. Here, a population of identical oscillators branches into coexisting sub-populations that are synchronized and desynchronized, respectively. Particularly, the constituents of living matter often exhibit cyclic processes with a tendency to synchronize. For example motile cilia and flagella – hair-like projections of eukaryotic cells that push fluid in motion to cause transport phenomena. We study numerically a generalized version of a simple phase oscillator model for the coupling of cilia. The model is linked to wave formation [1] and encompasses the features relevant for the emergence of chimera states [2]. We investigate chimera states and waves in cilia arrays and discuss its properties with respect to transport generation and switching of motility states.

[1] Niedermayer et. al., Chaos: 18(3) 2008; [2] Niedermayer et. al., DPG Spring Meeting 2017: Contributed talk DY 52.1

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