
Dresden 2020 – scientific programme

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VA: Fachverband Vakuumphysik und Vakuumtechnik

VA 1: Rarefied gas flows and novel approaches for particle simulation

VA 1.4: Talk

Monday, March 16, 2020, 11:10–11:30, HSZ 301

IFMIF-DONES gas flow modelling using Test Particle Monte-Carlo Simulations — •Volker Hauer and Christian Day — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Technical Physics, Karlsruhe, Germany

IFMIF, the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility, is a test facility for materials foreseen in fusion reactors. High neutron fluxes are generated with an energy spectrum and intensity similar to the conditions at the burn phase inside a fusion reactor. The high energy neutrons result from accelerating deuterons onto a lithium target.

Simulations of the gas flow inside the IFMIF-DONES vacuum system were performed with the Test Particle Monte-Carlo code Molflow+. The IFMIF-DONES model is based on the latest design and of the LIPAc accelerator, which is being built for testing IFMIF accelerator components. Both, LIPAc and IFMIF-DONES share the same type of accelerator subsystems.

The model was prepared for simulation by adding different sets of boundary conditions for the pumping of deuterium and hydrogen originating from beam losses and outgassing, respectively.

The simulations of the gas pumping show pressure profiles which are mainly determined by the beam losses in this subsystem except for the Linac modules where the beam losses are very low. As LIPAc and IFMIF-DONES share most sections the pressure profiles are very similar.

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