
Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 43: DAQ and Trigger 2

T 43.3: Talk

Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 16:45–17:00, T-H28

The ATLAS Global Event Processor and the jet energy determination perspectives at level-0 trigger in Run-4 — •Fernado Del Rio — Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg

Run 4 of the LHC, scheduled to take place between 2028 and 2032, is planned to deliver never-before-seen conditions for high energy physics measurements, including a center of mass energy of 14 TeV and an average number of interactions per crossing of 200. Under these challenging conditions the triggering algorithms and their performance becomes more important than ever.

Amongst the changes that will be implemented in ATLAS for this Run we highlight the construction and installation of the Global Event Processor (GEP), a single board with the whole detector information made for triggering at 40 MHz with offline-like algorithms for the reconstruction of all objects, such as electrons, photons, muons and jets. In the particular case of jet reconstruction, access to layer information allows for state-of-the-art calibration techniques to be applied at the trigger level. This talk will discuss the potential of having a level 1 version of the Global Sequential Calibration, a part of the jet calibration sequence tailored for improving the resolution in the measurement of jet energy. This improvement in resolution naturally yields a better trigger efficiency and a higher sensitivity to dijet mass resonances, allowing ATLAS to fully exploit the large statistics given by Run4.

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