SKM 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 12: Scanning Probe Techniques: Method Development I
Montag, 27. März 2023, 15:00–17:00, GER 37
15:00 |
O 12.1 |
Performance boundaries of piezoelectric friction-inertia walkers due to the choice of contact materials — •Felix Huber, Susanne Baumann, and Sebastian Loth
15:15 |
O 12.2 |
Surface tension measurement of microdroplets using AFM — •Pranav Sudersan, Mohammad Hormozi, Maren Müller, Shuai Li, Hans-Jürgen Butt, and Michael Kappl
15:30 |
O 12.3 |
Modification of Fluid-FM Cantilevers for Studying Local Electrochemistry at Solid | Liquid Interfaces — •Matin Karimnia and Timo Jacob
15:45 |
O 12.4 |
Analysis of DNA-origami-based calibration standard for AFM using artificial intelligence — •Ziba Akbarian, Tim Johannes Seifert, Birka Lalkens, Ingo Busch, Harald Bosse, and Uta Schlickum
16:00 |
O 12.5 |
Interplay between magnetic and electrostatic forces when imaging complex current carrying stripline geometries with Magnetic Force Microscopy — Denis Goman, Dhavalkumar Mungpara, and •Alexander Schwarz
16:15 |
O 12.6 |
Influence of Surfaces Charges and Trap States in KPFM Measurements of Doping Concentration — •Thilo Glatzel, Urs Gysin, and Ernst Meyer
16:30 |
O 12.7 |
Development of SNOM combining plasmonic picocavities with noncontact AFM — •Akitoshi Shiotari, Jun Nishida, Adnan Hammud, Martin Wolf, Takashi Kumagai, and Melanie Müller
16:45 |
O 12.8 |
Polarization-sensitive scanning near-field optical microscopy — •Felix G. Kaps, Susanne C. Kehr, and Lukas M. Eng