
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 59: Electronic Structure of Surfaces I

O 59.3: Talk

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 15:45–16:00, REC C 213

Establishing fundamentals of ARPES spin textures with the model material PtTe2 — •Mohammed Qahosh1, Gustav Bihlmayer2, Jakub Schusser3, Muthu Masilamani3, Friedrich Reinert3, Claus M. Schneider1, and Lukasz Plucinski11PGI-6 Forschungszentrum-Jülich — 2PGI-1/IAS-1 Forschungszentrum-Jülich — 3Experimentelle Physik VII and Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, Universität Würzburg

7.57.5A novel quantum material PtTe2 is used to establish the connection between spin textures of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and initial state spin textures. The crystal structure of 1T-PtTe2 is trigonal, belongs to the space group 164 (P3m1), that contains mirror planes and inversion symmetry. Since bulk 1T-PtTe2 is both inversion-symmetric and non-magnetic, no bulk spin-polarized bands are allowed due to the Kramers degeneracy. At the surface, a non-zero spin polarization is expected due to the broken inversion symmetry, however, it must obey the mirror and time-reversal symmetries.We measured the dependence of the spin-polarization on the symmetries of the ARPES setup. This is performed in two geometries, with the reaction plane parallel to K-Γ-K and M-Γ-M reciprocal directions, i.e. either along or orthogonal to the crystal mirror plane. The measured spin texture is symmetric when the reaction plane is parallel to K-Γ-K. However, we see asymmetries in the spin texture when the reaction plane is parallel to M-Γ-M. For surface states, the asymmetries are due to the geometry-induced spin filtering in ARPES [1]. For bulk states, the effect might be additionally related to the asymmetric initial state dispersions. [1] T. Heider et al., arXiv:2210.10870 (2022)

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