
SMuK 2023 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 6: Magnetic Confinement II/HEPP III

Dienstag, 21. März 2023, 11:00–12:50, CHE/0091

11:00 P 6.1 Hauptvortrag: The physics of ELM-free regimes — •Michael Dunne, Michael Faitsch, Georg Harrer, Lidija Radovanovic, Wolfgang Suttrop, Eleonora Viezzer, Matthias Willensdorfer, and Elisabeth Wolfrum
11:30 P 6.2 Gyrokinetic turbulence simulations in the pedestal — •Leonhard A. Leppin, Tobias Görler, Marco Cavedon, Mike Dunne, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Frank Jenko, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
11:55 P 6.3 Linear MHD stability studies of pedestals in magnetically perturbed Tokamak plasmas — •Jonas Puchmayr, Mike Dunne, Erika Strumberger, Hartmut Zohm, and Matthias Willensdorfer
12:20 P 6.4 Experimental Evidence for the Drift Wave Nature of the Weakly Coherent Mode — •Manuel Herschel, Tim Happel, Daniel Wendler, Michael Griener, Joey Kalis, Peter Manz, Ulrich Stroth, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
12:35 P 6.5 Numerical studies of the O-X mode conversion process in MAST Upgrade — •Alf Köhn-Seemann, Bengt E. Eliasson, Simon J. Freethy, Lou A. Holland, and Roddy G.L. Vann
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2023 > SMuK