SMuK 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
ST 8: AI Topical Day – AI in Medicine (joint session ST/AKPIK)
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 14:00–15:30, ZEU/0146
14:00 |
ST 8.1 |
Multimodal image registration with deep learning — •Alexander Ratke, Christian Bäumer, Kevin Kröninger, and Bernhard Spaan
14:15 |
ST 8.2 |
Position reconstruction in proton therapy with proton radiography and machine learning — •Jolina Zillner, Carsten Burgard, Jana Hohmann, Kevin Kröninger, Florian Mentzel, Olaf Nackenhorst, Isabelle Schilling, Hendrik Speiser, and Jens Weingarten
14:30 |
ST 8.3 |
Event identification in the SiFi-CC Compton camera for imaging prompt gamma rays in proton therapy via deep neural networks — •Alexander Fenger, Ronja Hetzel, Jonas Kasper, George Farah, Achim Stahl, and Aleksandra Wrońska
14:45 |
ST 8.4 |
Selection of Compton events in the SiFi-CC camera using convolutional neural networks — •George Farah, Ronja Hetzel, Jonas Kasper, Alexander Fenger, Achim Stahl, and Aleksandra Wrońska
15:00 |
ST 8.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:15 |
ST 8.6 |
Thermoluminescence glow curve generation using generative adversarial networks (GANs) — •Evelin Derugin, Olaf Nackenhorst, Florian Mentzel, Jens Weingarten, Kevin Kröninger, and Jörg Walbersloh