Berlin 2005 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 56: Photovoltaik I
Dienstag, 8. März 2005, 15:00–16:30, TU P-N202
15:00 |
HL 56.1 |
Voltage dependent series resistance of thin film Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells — •Osama Tobail and Juergen Werner
15:15 |
HL 56.2 |
Effect of Zn and Mg doping on the electronic properties of CuInS2 thin films and solar cells — •Tobias Enzenhofer, Thomas Unold, Roland Scheer, and Hans-Werner Schock
15:30 |
HL 56.3 |
Static solar concentrators under Stuttgart insolation conditions — •C. Carlsson, M. B. Schubert, and J. H. Werner
15:45 |
HL 56.4 |
Local inhomogeneities of the quality of the photo excited state and of material composition in Cu(In,Ga)Se2-absorbers in the few micrometer scale by sub-micron resolved photoluminescence — •Levent Gütay, Rudolf Brüggemann, and Gottfried Heinrich Bauer
16:00 |
HL 56.5 |
Amorphous silicon solar cells under different illumination levels — •A. Al Tarabsheh, M. B. Schubert, and J. H. Werner
16:15 |
HL 56.6 |
Photoluminescence, Open Circuit Voltage, and Photocurrents in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells with Lateral Submicron Resolution — •Tim Jürgens, Levent Gütay, Rudolf Brüggemann, and Gottfried Heinrich Bauer