Dresden 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 11: Epitaxy and growth I
Montag, 27. März 2006, 15:00–17:30, WIL A317
15:00 |
O 11.1 |
Steering induced growth anisotropy as a probe for long range interaction — •Herbert Wormeester, Frits Rabbering, Teun Warnaar, and Bene Poelsema
15:15 |
O 11.2 |
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Fe on Cu Single Crystal Surfaces - Investigations by STM and Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy — •Georg Rauchbauer, Andreas Buchsbaum, Hannes Schiechl, Werner Rupp, Michael Schmid, Peter Varga, and Albert Biedermann
15:30 |
O 11.3 |
Initial growth of Cu islands on Cu(100) by pulsed laser deposition — •Andreas Dobler and Thomas Fauster
15:45 |
O 11.4 |
Al-Enriched Surface Phases on NiAl(100) — •Roland Schurr, Andreas Klein, Lutz Hammer, and Klaus Heinz
16:00 |
O 11.5 |
Growth and structure of ultrathin Ni-films on Ir(100)-(1×1) — •W. Meyer, B. Gumler, A. Klein, A. Schmidt, L. Hammer, S. Müller, K. Heinz, and J. Redinger
16:15 |
O 11.6 |
Large Film Stress of Fe, Co, and Ni monolayers on Ir(100) — •Z. Tian, C.S. Tian, D. Sander, and J. Kirschner
16:30 |
O 11.7 |
Two new phases of CO monolayers on Ag(100) — •Hans-Christoph Ploigt, François Patthey, Marina Pivetta, and Wolf-Dieter Schneider
16:45 |
O 11.8 |
A LEEM study of structure, morphology and composition of ultrathin Ag/films on Pt(111) — •Esther van Vroonhoven and Bene Poelsema
17:00 |
O 11.9 |
Growth of different adatom systems on a Moiré superstructure induced by Pt deposition on WSe2 — •Denys Makarov, Roger Pallesche, Günter Schatz, and Manfred Albrecht
17:15 |
O 11.10 |
Metastable and Stable Structures of In on W(110) — •Martin Gabl, Marek Trzciński, Norbert Memmel, Antoni Bukaluk, and Erminald Bertel