14:00 |
Q 14.1 |
Dissemination of reference frequencies via optical telecommunication fiber — •Gesine Grosche, Osama Terra, Katharina Predehl, Andre Pape, Jan Friebe, Matthias Riedmann, Temmo Wübbena, Janis Alnis, Ronald Holzwarth, Thomas Legero, Burghard Lipphardt, Thomas Udem, Ernst Rasel, Uwe Sterr, and Harald Schnatz
14:30 |
Q 14.2 |
Opto-mechanische Kopplung in einem Michelson-Sagnac Interferometer — •Henning Kaufer, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Tobias Westphal, Daniel Friedrich und Roman Schnabel
14:45 |
Q 14.3 |
Konzepte für diffraktive Optiken mit geringem thermischen Rauschen — •Stefanie Kroker, Frank Brückner, Ernst-Bernhard Kley und Andreas Tünnermann
15:00 |
Q 14.4 |
Interferometry based high-precision dilatometry — •Eugen Stoppel, Martin Gohlke, Thilo Schuldt, Dennis Weise, Ulrich Johann, and Claus Braxmaier
15:15 |
Q 14.5 |
Waveguide gratings as highly reflective mirrors without dielectric coatings — •Daniel Friedrich, Frank Brückner, Michael Britzger, Stefanie Kroker, Ernst-Bernhard Kley, Andreas Tünnermann, Karsten Danzmann, and Roman Schnabel
15:30 |
Q 14.6 |
Frequency dissemination using a wide-area telecommunication fiber link — •Osama Terra, Gesine Grosche, Katharina Predehl, Ronald Holzwarth, and Harald Schnatz
15:45 |
Q 14.7 |
Continuous-wave squeezed states at 1550 nm — •Moritz Mehmet, Tobias Eberle, Sebastian Steinlechner, Henning Vahlbruch, Karsten Danzmann, and Roman Schnabel
16:00 |
Q 14.8 |
Remote characterization of ultrastable optical frequencies via a 73 km long telecommunication fiber link — •Andre Pape, Jan Friebe, Osama Terra, Matthias Riedmann, Temmo Wübbena, André Kulosa, Sana Amairi, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Ernst-Maria Rasel, Wolfgang Ertmer, Katharina Predehl, Thorsten Feldmann, Thomas Legero, Burghard Lipphardt, Gesine Grosche, and Harald Schnatz