17:30 |
DY 7.1 |
Zeno effect for repeated projective and finite-time measurements — •Andreas Prinz-Zwick, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Peter Talkner, and Juyeon Yi
17:30 |
DY 7.2 |
Quantum-classical correspondence in the dynamics of the Dicke model — •Lutz Bakemeier, Andreas Alvermann, and Holger Fehske
17:30 |
DY 7.3 |
Strong driving in open quantum systems: Beyond Markovian dynamics — •Christine Brix and Jürgen T. Stockburger
17:30 |
DY 7.4 |
Controlled engineering of extended states in disordered systems — •Alberto Rodriguez, Arunava Chakrabarti, and Rudolf A Römer
17:30 |
DY 7.5 |
Energy Transfer and Decoherence in Phase Space — •Per Liebermann and Oliver Mülken
17:30 |
DY 7.6 |
Simulation of a particle in a one-dimensional double-well potential using stochastic mechanics — •Jeanette Köppe and Wolfgang Paul
17:30 |
DY 7.7 |
Depletion of Superfluidity in a disordered non-equilibrium Quantum Condensate — •Alexander Janot, Timo Hyart, Bernd Rosenow, and Paul Eastham
17:30 |
DY 7.8 |
Structure optimization for models of protein folding by means of “local heat pulse”-quench cycles — •Florian Günther, Arnulf Möbius, and Michael Schreiber
17:30 |
DY 7.9 |
Improved modelling of forced Kramers escape — •Jakob Tómas Bullerjahn, Sebastian Sturm, and Klaus Kroy
17:30 |
DY 7.10 |
Self-organized criticality in adaptive neural network models — •Matthias Rybarsch and Stefan Bornholdt
17:30 |
DY 7.11 |
Generative network models based on triadic substructures — •Marco Winkler and Jörg Reichardt
17:30 |
DY 7.12 |
Boolean and continuous networks with checkpoint states — •Danijel Komljenović, Tiago Peixoto, Eva Ackermann, and Barbara Drossel
17:30 |
DY 7.13 |
Inferring topology of biological networks from dynamics — •Haleh Ebadi and Konstantin Klemm
17:30 |
DY 7.14 |
Hierarchy in directed networks — •Krzysztof Suchecki and Janusz Hołyst
17:30 |
DY 7.15 |
Evolutionary optimisation of dynamical networks — •Steffen Karalus
17:30 |
DY 7.16 |
Voter Model with Surface Tension — •Bruno Pace and Konstantin Klemm
17:30 |
DY 7.17 |
A Parameter Estimation Method for Ordinary Differential Equations — •Oliver Strebel
17:30 |
DY 7.18 |
Order by disorder in frustrated oscillators — •Florin Ionita, Darka Labavić, Michael Zaks, and Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
17:30 |
DY 7.19 |
Entropic Stochastic Resonance of a Flexible Polymer Chain in Confined System — •Zhen Zhang, Hanshuang Chen, and Zhonghuai Hou
17:30 |
DY 7.20 |
Dependence of irregular excitation patterns on bridge width during interaction of pacemaker — •Yvonne Richter, Claudia Lenk und Philipp Maaß
17:30 |
DY 7.21 |
Experimental Chimera States in a Network of Mechanical Oscillators — Erik A. Martens, Shashi Thutupalli, •Antoine Fourrière, and Oskar Hallatschek
17:30 |
DY 7.22 |
Nonlocal control of pulse propagation in excitable media — •Clemens Bachmair and Eckehard Schöll
17:30 |
DY 7.23 |
Curvature dependent Feedback Control of two dimensional Excitation Waves — •Sonja Molnos, Jakob Löber, and Harald Engel
17:30 |
DY 7.24 |
Scroll ring dynamics under spatial Confinement — •Jan Frederik Totz, Oliver Steinbock, and Harald Engel
17:30 |
DY 7.25 |
Patterns in anisotropic reaction diffusion systems — •Fabian Bergmann, Alexei Krekhov, and Walter Zimmermann