MM 13: Topical Session: Quasicrystals & Complex Metallic Alloys III
Montag, 11. März 2013, 15:45–18:00, H25
15:45 |
MM 13.1 |
Dealing with the complexity of complex matter — •Peter Häussler
16:00 |
MM 13.2 |
Single-crystal growth of various complex metallic alloy phases — •Michael Feuerbacher, Marc Heggen, and Carsten Thomas
16:15 |
MM 13.3 |
Metadislocation core structure in the complex metallic alloy Al13Co4 — •Marc Heggen and Michael Feuerbacher
16:30 |
MM 13.4 |
Structure of a decagonal Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystal with 16 Å periodicity — Benjamin Frigan, Marek Mihalkovič, and •Hans-Rainer Trebin
16:45 |
MM 13.5 |
Cu–Sn Cluster Compounds — •Saskia Stegmaier, Thomas F. Fässler, and Karsten Reuter
17:00 |
MM 13.6 |
Thermal Conductivity in Type-I Clathrate Systems — •Daniel Schopf and Hans-Rainer Trebin
17:15 |
MM 13.7 |
Medium-range structure of Zr50Cu45Al5 Bulk Metallic Glass from Fluctuation Electron Microscopy — •Paul Voyles, Jinwoo Hwang, Zenon Melgarejo, Irena Kalay, Eren Kalay, Matt Kramer, and Don Stone
17:30 |
MM 13.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:45 |
MM 13.9 |
On the evolution of structure and electronic transport properties in Al-Mn — •Syed Sajid Ali Gillani and Peter Häussler