10:00 |
HL 35.1 |
Analytical transmission electron microscopy on hybrid solar cells based on perovskites — •Diana Nanova, Anne Katrin Kast, Christian Müller, Rasmus R. Schröder, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
10:15 |
HL 35.2 |
Alloyed zinc sulfide - copper indium disulfide nanocrystals for application in hybrid photovoltaics — •Björn Kempken, Nikolay Radychev, Christopher Krause, Jie Li, Holger Borchert, Joanna Kolny-Olesiak, and Jürgen Parisi
10:30 |
HL 35.3 |
Improving efficiency of solar power generation by combination of a sensitized mesoscopic solar cell with a thermoelectric generator — •Hans-Fridtjof Pernau, Jana Heuer, Karina Tarantik, Alexandre Jacquot, Jan D. König, Martin Jägle, and Kilian Bartholomé
10:45 |
HL 35.4 |
Spin dynamics in organic solar cells measured by pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance — •Alexander J. Kupijai, Konstantin M. Behringer, Martin Stutzmann, and Martin S. Brandt
11:00 |
HL 35.5 |
Imaging the origin of S-shaped current-voltage characteristics of organic solar cells by scanning Kelvin probe microscopy — •Christian Müller, Rebecca Saive, Janusz Schinke, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
11:15 |
Coffee break (15 min.)
11:30 |
HL 35.6 |
Improving the Charge Transport Parameters of Near-Infrared Absorbers — •Sebastian Radke, Frank Ortmann, Reinhard Scholz, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
11:45 |
HL 35.7 |
Qualitative und quantitative Auswertung von komplementären bildgebenden Methoden zur Degradationsuntersuchung und Qualitätskontrolle von Polymersolarzellen — •Roland Rösch, Marco Seeland, Daniel Fluhr, Burhan Muhsin, Peter Fischer, Rolf Öttking und Harald Hoppe
12:00 |
HL 35.8 |
Visualization of Lateral Phase Separation in Polymer: Fullerene Solar Cells by Quantitative Evaluation of Luminescence Imaging Measurements — •Marco Seeland, Christian Kästner, and Harald Hoppe
12:15 |
HL 35.9 |
The influence of fullerene loading on the photogeneration in intercalated polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells — •Andreas Zusan, Koen Vandewal, Benedikt Allendorf, Nis Hauke Hansen, Jens Pflaum, Martin Heeney, Alberto Salleo, Vladimir Dyakonov, and Carsten Deibel