Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 60: Physics of Parasites - Joint Focus Session (BP/DY) organized by Holger Stark
Freitag, 24. März 2017, 09:30–12:15, SCH A251
09:30 |
BP 60.1 |
Spontaneous curvature and membrane curling for malaria-infected erythrocytes — •Manouk Abkarian, Octavio Albarran Arriagada, Gladys Massiera, Cyril Claudet, Andrew Callan Jones, Vladimir Lorman, and Catherine Braun Breton
10:00 |
BP 60.2 |
Shape and adhesiveness of malaria-infected red blood cells — Anil Kumar Dasanna, Marco Linke, Mailin Waldecker, Christine Lansche, Sirikamol Srismith, Marek Cyrklaff, Cecilia P. Sanchez, Michael Lanzer, and •Ulrich S. Schwarz
10:30 |
BP 60.3 |
Deadly microswimmers - how trypanosomes move in blood and navigate in the tsetse fly — Sarah Schuster, Tim Krüger, and •Markus Engstler
11:00 |
15 min break
11:15 |
BP 60.4 |
An in silico model for the African trypanosome — •Holger Stark
11:45 |
BP 60.5 |
The development of a novel malaria diagnostic device — •Agnes Orban, Adam Butykai, Petra Molnar, Maria Pukancsik, Tivadar Zelles, Stephan Karl, and Istvan Kezsmarki
12:00 |
BP 60.6 |
Pre-clinical testing of a novel malaria diagnostic device — •Petra Molnar, Agnes Orban, Adam Butykai, Maria Pukancsik, Istvan Kezsmarki, Tivadar Zelles, Istvan Kucsera, Jetsumon Prachumsri, and Stephan Karl