Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 87: Metal Substrates: Structure, Epitaxy and Growth
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 10:30–13:00, WIL C307
10:30 |
O 87.1 |
Structure and redox dynamics of ultrathin ceria films and nanostructures — •Jan Ingo Flege
11:00 |
O 87.2 |
Growth and Magnetism of Fe Thin Films on Rh(111) — •Matthias Vogt, Nicolai Seubert, Martin Schmitt, Jeannette Kemmer, and Matthias Bode
11:15 |
O 87.3 |
Spectroscopic observation and molecular dynamics simulation of Ga surface segregation in liquid Pd-Ga alloys — •Mathias Grabau, Jannis Erhard, Nicola Taccardi, Sandra Krick Calderon, Andreas Görling, Peter Wasserscheid, Christian Papp, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
11:30 |
O 87.4 |
Correlogram Correlation for Surface Topology Evaluation by White Light Interferometry — •Ilia Kiselev, Michael Drexel, Egor Kiselev, and Michael Hauptmannl
11:45 |
O 87.5 |
Diffusion properties of lithium and magnesium studied using DFT: growth phenomena and the effect of an electric field — •Markus Jäckle and Axel Gross
12:00 |
O 87.6 |
Metallic Nanopore Arrays as Ideally Nanostructured Electrode for Supercapacitors — •Huaping Zhao, Ranjith Vellacheri, Min Zhou, Yang Xu, and Yong Lei
12:15 |
O 87.7 |
Low temperature bias-assisted RF-sputtering process for heteroepitaxial growth of iridium (100) on sapphire (11-20) — Frank Meyer, Eduard Reisacher, Johannes Preußner, Andreas Graff, Alexander Fromm, Lukas Gröner, and •Frank Burmeister
12:30 |
O 87.8 |
Transformation of the Pt(001)-hex to a smooth and clean Pt(001)-(1x1) — Rene Hammer, Florian Schumann, •Oliver Krahn, Stefan Förster, Klaus Meinel, and Wolf Widdra
12:45 |
O 87.9 |
Electron energy loss spectroscopy with parallel readout of energy and momentum — •F. C. Bocquet, H. Ibach, J. Sforzini, S. Soubatch, and F. S. Tautz