15:00 |
HL 33.1 |
Development of Plug-and-Play Single-Photon Sources for Quantum Communication — •Lucas Rickert, Timm Kupko, Stephan Reitzenstein, and Tobias Heindel
15:15 |
HL 33.2 |
Integrated quantum photonics based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots monolithically coupled to ridge waveguides — •Dominik Koeck, Lukasz Dusanowski, Soon-Hong Kwon, Christian Schneider, and Sven Hoefling
15:30 |
HL 33.3 |
Characterization of deterministically fabricated quantum dot microlenses under mechanical strain tuning — •Marco Schmidt, Sarah Fischbach, Martin von Helversen, Arsenty Kaganskiy, Sven Rodt, Tobias Heindel, and Stephan Reitzenstein
15:45 |
HL 33.4 |
Deterministically positioned InAs quantum dots in heterogeneous GaAs silicon integrated quantum photonic devices — •Peter Schnauber, Anshuman Singh, Johannes Schall, Jin-Dong Song, Sven Rodt, Kartik Srinivasan, Stephan Reitzenstein, and Marcelo Davanco
16:00 |
HL 33.5 |
MOVPE-grown single InGaAs quantum dots emitting in the telecom O-band with an AlAs monolayer anti-diffusion cap — •Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Max Schlösinger, and Stephan Reitzenstein
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
HL 33.6 |
Wigner time delay induced by a single quantum dot — •Marcel Hohn, Max Strauß, Alexander Carmele, Julian Schleibner, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling, Janik Wolters, and Stephan Reitzenstein
16:45 |
HL 33.7 |
Chiral light-matter coupling in deterministic quantum dot waveguides — •Paweł Mrowiński, Peter Schnauber, Arsenty Kaganskiy, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, and Stephan Reitzenstein
17:00 |
HL 33.8 |
Impact of the excitonic spin dynamics on the entanglement from a InGaAs quantum dot — •Samir Bounouar, Gabriel Rein, Julian Schleibner, Alexander Carmele, Peter Schnauber, Andre Strittmatter, Sven Rodt, and Stephan Reitzenstein
17:15 |
HL 33.9 |
Quantum Metrology of Solid-State Single-Photon Sources using Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors — •Martin von Helversen, Jonas Böhm, Marco Schmidt, Manuel Gschrey, Jan-Hindrik Schulze, André Strittmatter, Sven Rodt, Jörn Beyer, Tobias Heindel, and Stephan Reitzenstein