17:45 |
SYBP 4.1 |
Bestimmung von Strukturparametern von Proteinen mit Hilfe von UV-Resonanz-Ramanspektroskopie in ATR Konfiguration — •Dominic Zerulla, Gereon Isfort, Micha Kölbach, Kerstin Elfrink, Alexander Bost, Klaus Schierbaum, Detlev Riesner und Andreas Otto
17:45 |
SYBP 4.2 |
Polarisationsabhängige Ramanspektroskopie an Biomolekülen — •Gereon Isfort, Dominic Zerulla, Klaus Schierbaum und Andreas Otto
17:45 |
SYBP 4.3 |
Determination of the mobility of membrane proteins in living cells with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy — •Margarita Khazarchyan, Jan Exmann, Elmar Thews, Uwe Gerken, Andrea Melzer, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Reiner Eckert
17:45 |
SYBP 4.4 |
Two-Photon Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Tryptophan Containing Proteins — •Markus Lippitz, Wolfgang Erker, Heinz Decker, and Thomas Basché
17:45 |
SYBP 4.5 |
Spectroscopy of biomolecules in the conformational fingerprint region — •Peter Uhd Jepsen, Bernd Fischer, Markus Walther, and Hanspeter Helm
17:45 |
SYBP 4.6 |
Biochemische Diagnostik mittels Excited State Absorptions- Spektroskopie — •Christian Spitz, David von Seggern, Gisela Grunwaldt und Ralf Menzel
17:45 |
SYBP 4.7 |
Multistep photoinduced electron/hole transfer in nanoscale biomimetic models studied by time-resolved spectroscopy — •Zenkevich Eduard
17:45 |
SYBP 4.8 |
THz-Spektroskopie an Biomolekülen - Niederfrequente Molekülschwingungen als direkter Fingerprint der Struktur — •Markus Walther, Bernd M. Fischer, Hanspeter Helm und Peter Uhd Jepsen
17:45 |
SYBP 4.9 |
Monitoring Protease Activity on a Single Molecule Scale using Two-Photon Cross-Correlation and FRET Analysis — •Katrin G. Heinze, Tobias Kohl, Rene Kuhlemann, Andre Koltermann, and Petra Schwille
17:45 |
SYBP 4.10 |
Femtosekunden-LIBS-Mikroskopie — •Andreas Assion, Mathias Wollenhaupt, Lars Haag, Fedor Mairorov, Cristian Sarpe-Tudoran und Thomas Baumert
17:45 |
SYBP 4.11 |
Caging Single Molecules — •Elke Haustein, Dag Scherfeld, and Petra Schwille
17:45 |
SYBP 4.12 |
Excitonic Interactions in Mesoscopic Molecular Assemblies — •Joerg Zimmermann, Xanthipe J. Jordanides, and Graham R. Fleming
17:45 |
SYBP 4.13 |
Spectroscopy of the B800 Band of Individual Light Harvesting 2 (LH2) Complexes from Rhodospirillum molischianum. — •C. Hofmann, M. Ketelaars, M. Matsushita, J. Schmidt, H. Michel, T.J. Aartsma, and J. Köhler
17:45 |
SYBP 4.14 |
Photophysics of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) on the single molecule level — •Gregor Jung and Andreas Zumbusch
17:45 |
SYBP 4.15 |
Monitoring gamma-subunit movement in reconsituted single EFoF1 ATP synthase by fluorescence resonance energy transfer — •Michael Börsch, Manuel Diez, Boris Zimmermann, and Peter Gräber
17:45 |
SYBP 4.16 |
Hochaufgelöste optische Abbildung einer Kernmembran mittels Optischer Rasternahfeldmikroskopie — •C. Höppener, D. Molenda, H. Fuchs und A. Naber
17:45 |
SYBP 4.17 |
On single molecule detection with a SNOM by scanning probe enhanced elastic resonant scattering (SPEERS) — •U.C. Fischer, J. Heimel, E. Bortchagovsky, and H. Fuchs